Friday, September 11, 2009

youtube $ the internet

there are some crazy things on youtube. its ridiculuous what some people will put out there for the world to see. its amazing to me that they look like fools and they put that video out. i think its funny really. but i was also thinking of the other videos, you know the ones where you have to confirm your birthday er whatever because its not for young kids? well how does the computer know that the person on the other end is not indeed just that? a young kid messing on the computer. these days anyone can lie about their age and make up a fake account with almost any website. my cousin was playing on there and he just got in big trouble. he signed up for an account with some hustler thing and took his dad's credit card and they ended up charging him like $200 for the things that he had did on the computer. that is crazy and i think he is like 14 or 15. what the heck? these kids have access to so much. it amazes me. its also very scary because you trust that ur kids wont do anything THAT stupid but you never know what they can do. im really starting to think that these companies dont even give a damn how old the person is. they just want some kind of money. its sad.

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