Thursday, September 10, 2009


so ive been thinking alot about children. everyone i know has kids. literally EVERYONE. all my friends. my family keeps reproducing. i think thats great. i love seeing babies everywhere. they are just so adorable. since i have been married, actually long before that, my husband and i have been wanting kids. i mean i want kids but my husband WANTS kids. like he cant wait. i know that i will have kids someday but i dont know if im ready for them. i need a little advice. im 21 and going to school. i graduate in may so im hoping that i wont be pregnant until after that. but right now it seems so far away and i do want a baby. but i just dont know if im ready for that. i just need someone to tell me it will be okay and go for it. but if thats not the right advice then im screwed right? what if i can't do it? what if i screw up my child's life? i mean i had a good childhood but my parents struggled and i dont want my kids to go through what i went through. i didn't have nice things like the rich kids in my school. actually my school had mostly kids like me. kids with single parents who had only what they needed. i want to give my children what they want and be a good mother. im just thinking some again. maybe someone can help me out.

1 comment:

  1. If you got pregnant now, you'd still be pregnant in May. Now think about it this way, say you wait a few more months, so you graduate when aren't so far along...then you'll have to either: wait until you have the baby and it's a couple months old to get a job, OR start a new job and have the baby not too far in. Or wait a while. I don't really know what advice to give, because I was still in high school when I had Raigen. I wouldn't change it for anything though, so I can't say that kids are a bad idea. Lol. Whatever you decide, just make sure you'll be happy with the decision. :)
